Core & Channel Banking Application Support
Everyday millions of people make online and offline banking transactions, open bank accounts, apply for loans, complete their eKYC and purchase banking products. To handle all these activities banks require modern day core and channel banking solution that can be seamlessly integrated with other applications to carry these functions. Each bank has their specific requirements and legacy applications to integrate but the process are complex, time consuming and capital intensive. Each application is developed on different platform and needs specialized skills to upgrade, maintain and support. At Nityo we have standard implementation methodologies to deal with complex process which ensures higher operational efficiencies and overall customer satisfaction. We also offer integration of multiple banking channels like Phone banking, ATM banking, Mobile banking and E-banking with core banking solutions for a greater scalability. Our custom application development allows you to add extra functionality to your core banking solutions. Our services are customized as per client’s requirements so that it helps them to optimize their processes and improve performance.